Studio1st a collaboration between three talented individuals: Sanja Beslin, Keti Nikolova and Mark Hebblewhite.
They offer their services either as individuals or as a team and can be booked through Studio1st.
Between them, they can cover varying creative tasks:
- Photography (please see our categories)
- Make-up
- Hair styling
- Styling
- Creative direction
Sanja Beslin Services Include
- Womens Fashion, Editorial and Beauty
- Mens Fashion
- Portraits
- Wedding / Events
Mark Hebblewhite Services Include
- Architectural
- Corporate
- Editorial
- Documentary
- Portraits
- Events
Keti Nikolova
- Fashion Womens
- Fashion Mens
- Beauty
- Commercial
- Wedding
Mark and Keti also provide training in the following subjects.
Mark's Photography Courses
- Basic Photography
- Portrait Studio Lighting
- Lighting Master Classes
- Night Photography
- Documentary
Keti's Make-up Courses
- Make-up Application
- Make-up Artistry
- Make-up Master Classes
Copyright Notice
All portfolios belong to the specific team member and are copyrighted by the photographers who the images belong to. They can not be used without written permission.