Events Photography
It's always good to document your company events and using a professional photographer will assist you in getting the best shots possible, that then can used for your companies promotional collateral. We cover many event styles, from corporate to book signings - inside or outside. You can either have one photographer or a couple to scoop every event area. Our photographers are renowned for being unobtrusive; enabling the delegates at your event to feel comfortable and relaxed. This is key to getting the best shots of your event. Even though we are London based, we are able to travel to any required location.
Conatact us on:
tel: +44 (0)7907 163346
email: email us
Videoing an Event
More and more of our clients require us to video certain events, enabling them to upload them to the their website or social media site. This is also something we can offer as part of our service and is a great way to promote your services externally.
Conatact us on:
tel: +44 (0)7907 163346
email: email us